Survival Minecraft PvP without the Toxicity.

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How to connect to the server

Before you begin, ensure you joined our Discord server to be whitelisted.

Step 0: Join the official Discord server.

Step 1: In multiplayer, click 'Direct Connect'.


Step 2: Paste the copied IP into the text box.

Enter IP

Step 3: Click 'Join Server' and have fun!

Join Server

If you experience problems connecting to the server, send us a message on Discord.

Check out our tutorials

Thing 1

We offer a well-rounded and laid-back player experience.

Many conventional small Minecraft servers consist of abusive staff members, a harsh player experience, a toxic community, pay-to-win donator perks, and simply not worth dedicating your time on. Our goal with Appl3 PvP is to provide the best player experience and make sure everyone has a great time.

Thing 2

Extremely robust and convenient custom claiming system.

We have a custom-made land protection and management system, created with intuition and convenience in mind which keeps griefers from looting. Use our in-game currency to establish a claim. Also, you can name your claims and even give access to your friends, so you can work together to survive and thrive.

Thing 3

Buy and sell with confidence using the server player market.

While many survival servers offer pre-built item shops, we wanted to make it more tailored to the players through the Player Market and chest shops. Money comes in the form of diamonds. A completely player-operated market opens many opportunities for everyone looking to buy and sell items.

Thing 4

Communicate on-the-go with Discord messaging integration.

We are one of the first New Zealand Minecraft servers to incorporate live Minecraft to Discord messaging, and it works like magic. You can start a conversation from any device with Discord while you are not on the server. As a result, this encourages social interaction which is essential for a small community.

Thing 5

We will always be a free-to-play Minecraft server.

The server will always remain free-to-play, although we have some extra-special bonuses for those that donate through Tebex. These include setting custom item and lore formatting, the ability to join the server when it is full, great cosmetics and a donator rank on our discord server. We ensured the donator rank is EULA compliant.


The server currently does not have whitelist enabled. There are future plans to implement a whitelist system as we shift to a join request operation.


The server contains a Control Suite of plugins custom-made by 0n3Appl3. Each plugin is responsible for a crucial aspect of the server's operation. Here are some of the relevant plugins.

  • ChatControl
    Private message other players, and set nicknames and prefixes.
  • DonatorControl
    Wear block hats, obtain player heads, and set custom item name and sign formatting.
  • EconomyControl
    Earn credits for mining ores and killing mobs, and send and receive credits from players.
  • FightControl
    Simple PvP duelling management system.
  • LandControl
    Create new claims, expand your land, add and revoke players' access to your claims.
  • PartyControl
    Craft party armour and backpacks.
  • ShopControl
    Buy and sell items in the Player Market, and create chest shops.
  • SleepControl
    Skip the night without needing everyone to sleep.
  • TeleportControl
    Set homes, teleport to players, and purchase more home slots and teleport skip delay passes.


In order to keep this server as amazing as it is, everyone must obey the following rules. A lot of these are common sense and online etiquette, but it is still worth mentioning.

  1. Be respectful and considerate
    Treat all players with respect and maintain a friendly atmosphere. Avoid offensive language, harrassment, or any behaviour that may create a negative experience for others.
  2. No griefing
    Do not destroy or modify other players' creations without their consent. Respect their hard work and effort.
  3. No stealing
    Respect other players' belongings and do not take items or resources that are not yours, unless explicitly allowed by the owner.
  4. No cheating
    Do not use any hacks, mods, or exploits that give you an unfair advantage over other players. Play the game fairly and maintain a level playing field.
  5. No PvP without consent
    Do not engage in combat with other players unless both parties have agreed to it. Respect each player's choice to engage or avoid PvP.
  6. No offensive or inappropriate builds
    Construct buildings and structures that are suitable for all audiences. Avoid building anything that promotes discrimination, racism, or contains explicit content.
  7. No excesive redstone lag
    Avoid creating redstone contraptions or mechanisms that cause excessive server lag or slow down the gameplay for others.
  8. No unauthorised mods to your game client
    Only use approved mods, texture packs, or resource packs that are allowed by the owner. Do not install or use any unauthorised software that may compromise the server or other players' experiences.
  9. No spamming or advertising
    Avoid excessive messaging, spamming, or advertising unrelated content in the chat. Keep the chat clean and relevant to the gameplay.
  10. Follow staff instructions
    Respect and comply with the instructions given by server staff and administrators. They are responsible for maintaining a fair and enjoyable environment for all players.
  11. Report any issues
    If you encounter any bugs, glitches, or rule violations, report them to the server staff or administrators promptly. Help create a better gaming experience for everyone.